Thursday, June 28, 2012

An Economical Microcosm

This week has been interesting, to say the least. My perspective on my finances has changed significantly. As most of you may already know, I am living in Dubuque, IA this summer. I am sharing an apartment with a good friend of mine, Jason Bowling. This is the first time I have truly been 'On my own' with no true safety net. I have to support myself. The Army isn't coordinating anything, My mom isn't doing my shopping. I figured it wouldn't be too hard. it got off to a slow start- Jason has been gone for most of the last month and a half, I spent two weeks in fort McCoy on Army pay.

Then it got interesting. I came back from Fort McCoy to find the job I had lined up for the summer didn't have work for me for two weeks. So I sat around, being a bum. I donated plasma a couple times, but otherwise had no source of income. I slowly burned through my reserves of cash. (I don't touch credit cards.) I wasn't worried too much, I was going to be working soon, and making pretty decent money, too. I started work, going steady at 40+ hours a week for two weeks. Then came this week.

I attracted an inner ear infection at some point, causing me dizziness and light-headedness when I move around. Well, the boss sent me home(can't have me falling off the scaffold or anything...) before we even started on Monday and I spent the day resting. My symptoms didn't go away, so i made an appointment Tuesday to have myself checked out. (I got hit on the head last week, so i wanted to be sure it wasn't a concussion. He gave me his diagnosis and told me to rest up for a couple days. So it is Thursday. I haven't worked in four days. I also did not get my check this week, because I haven't gone anywhere. My paycheck next week will be nothing or next to nothing, depending on how I feel tonight/tomorrow morning.

All this to say, I can hear my bank account shrinking. Every bite I take, every time I look at the clock, I hear it. My perspective on money has changed. I realize now that I shouldn't be going and buying a new t-shirt from ThinkGeek every month. I may have to save the Bailey's brand coffee creamer for special occasions. I have to be more discerning with the cuts of meat I purchase. (they can add up quickly.) I may now have to do price comparison between the store brand and the name brand. these are just a few of the observations I have made in the past couple weeks. There may be more on this adjustment later.

*P.S. This is not me in any way asking for money. God has provided for me so far, I believe He will be faithful to continue to do so.

Monday, June 25, 2012


Beautiful sunset just south of Peosta, IA. I love my state.